Sunday, February 28, 2010
Megan Fox Tattoos
For this to be one of the megan fox tattoos means that Obviously Megan Fox is a trained actress or she would not have a quote like this on her shoulder or anywhere else on her body. Most people do not realize that all trained actors spend a great deal of time studying the works of Shakespeare. Though no one talks like that, and probably never really did, the studying of his works is sort of a right of passage for nearly any serious actor or actress. Far as I am concerned I’ll look at megan fox tattoos no matter what they are.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
chest tattoos for men

There are many popular types of chest tattoos that have seen a rise in popularity to be placed on the chest. Some of these tattoos include the names of the children, a family crest, or traditional Mens tattoos such as eagles, jaguars and other types of animals which have been popular in the past. Men are able to customize these tattoos.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tattoos Design
Thursday, February 25, 2010
lower back tribal heart tattoos
Many girls who get tribal tattoos usually get it inked on their lower back. Lower back tribal tattoos are perhaps one of the most popular tattoo choices for females.
spectacular wrist tattoos for girls | TATTOO CONVENTION

spectacular wrist tattoos for girls | TATTOO CONVENTION

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Music Note Tattoos
Anyone wanting one of these music note tattoos will soon find that they could actually spend years looking at different variations of them without seeing the same thing twice. Meaning quite simply that the possibilities are limitless. After all, it’s an artistic medium so everything is constantly changing and evolving. That is the very nature of art in almost all of its forms. And of course music itself can take so man forms that it is also an endless array of notes and symbols that can be used on any tattoo.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tattoo Wings
Tattoo Wings Are Becoming Popular Tattoo Designs
More and more people get tattoo wings on their shoulders today. This may be due to both to see if you are bare-chested or to make you feel like you're an angel. But whatever the reason is behind it, there really many people who like this design ink on their bodies. Since there is only a number of options available to you can have a tattoo wings, this article will give you some help deciding what to design you choose.
Angel tattoo wings, as mentioned, is usually done on the back of the shoulder, so there is the attraction more realistic for them. These people can have it done by a tattoo artist and ask them to do more detail to the wings so that they will be more credible. Usually, the people who decide to have a tattoo of angel tattoo wings have been doing so they can express their symbolism and religious beliefs. However, the devil wings very similar to this angel tattoo wings. And they can also express a belief and symbolism. The only difference between them is how they look as opposed to one another.A more subtle option you can have is either a fairy or butterfly tattoo wings. People who like fantasy fairy wings to go to so they will feel like they are one. Typically, more women get the ink tattoo designs behind them and on their shoulders. In addition, the butterfly tattoo wings are preferred by the women rather than men. Getting tattoo wings of a butterfly is just one of the general design.
Usually, if you get a tattoo wings on his back, a tattoo artist would be a great and realistic. But if you prefer to have smaller tattoos, you can have it done in other parts of the body such as legs, shoulders, lower back, legs, stomach or arms. In addition, getting a tattoo fairy or butterfly wings will usually need to put some kind of ink colors. Tattoos can not be achieved only in one session and will ask you to come back several times so that the tattoo artist can finish it.Although there are many women who choose to be a wing tattoo ink on their bodies, men also have the option to design this tattoo. Apart from the tattoo wings of angels or demons, they can also have wings of an eagle or other bird, and even get a spare wing. But this does not stop there. In the middle of the wing, there are so many things that can put like a sword, crown, heart, skull, cross, or star. You can choose between them or you can even let it empty and just select the wing. By Jennifer Langston
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Gallery Custom Tattoo Design
Custom Tattoo
It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. And the subject of custom tattoo design is no exclusion. Continue to read to receive fresher news about custom tattoo design.
Tattoos had a amazing history on western culture for better three centuries parts. A raising popularity to custom tattoo designs has demonstrated by celebrities, athletes, and the historical figures have affected the world of body art to unusual numbers. Custom tattoos retrieve popularity in plenty of areas of the world and in the United States , Japan , and Europe . Plenty of designs of tattoo include the tribal, butterfly, Chinese characters, flowers, dragons, planets, stars, lower back and armband tattoos. The broad variety of custom tattoos available today has raising the popularity and created a new whole type of work of Art. The infusion of tattoo designs has affected a new industry of artist, plenty of have fine art and technical training.
The original root word tattoo is generally believed to come from the Tongan or the Tahitian word tatau, meaning to mark or strike once. The strike once refers to apply the design traditional process. Some tribal cultures cut a design in to the skin to generate tattoos and use ink, ashes or the other means to rub the wound. There is a sure stunning history behind the evolution of tattoos design and art, from early nautical tattoos and modern tribal styles and in between.
Tattoo designs have brought on a sure negative association for women labelled as “tramp stamp” and other remarks disparaging remarks and slang expressions, occasionally referring to define tattoo designs on a women low back. The popularity of the women in the industry of tattoo itself and most of women with tattoos has slightly changed their perception. Also tattoos became a mainstream culture on last couples of the decades has made large steps to dissipate these stereotyped and negative comments.
There's a broad variety of galleries online, free and paid sites which offer a broad choice of tattoos to select from. Whether you need a fashionable henna tattoos or transient decal the various categories will offer you a nice idea precisely what you need before you come to a tattoo parlor. The majority of the online stores or the sites you can download the picture. All what is left to know is deciding the placement of the design and how large the size is.
Receive your first tattooing can be an important decision; you ought to seek this and ensure that this is suitable for you. Also tattoos can be high cost according to the detail and the special design. After all, it is something which will belong to you for the remainder of your life, unless you obtained it remove later on which is also high cost. With the thousands of designs, of tribal, characters, animals, and other images I ensure that you will be able to select something which you will like.
Hopefully the sections above help you to understand of custom tattoo design. Share your new knowledge of custom tattoo design with others. They will be grateful to you for it.
Unique Butterfly Tattoo Today
A lot of people are flocking to the tattoo parlors these days to get inked. Why do people get inked in the first place? Some say it is for recognition, other for attention, & yet some people need to follow the crowd. No matter what your reason is for getting inked, be sure you actually browse through a reputable gallery of designs before you select on what you need. You cannot erase a design you don't like so think carefully. If you need to check out tons of butterfly tattoos,
Humans have had their bodies inked for thousands of years so this is not something new at all. Designs have been used as a way of expressing personal religious belief, signification of a tribe or group, cultural status, punishment, or out of love. There's been mummies found from 5,200 years ago that have tattoos on them.
The earliest known examples that plenty of people site for tattoos were on plenty of female mummies which date back to about 2000 BC. As stated though, there was a recent discovery along the Austrian border which found a mummy that dates back about 5,200 years & this mummy also has patterns designed on it. So these "inks" go way back!
On top of this, in 1948, a 2,400 year elderly body was found in the frozen ice of Siberia. This ancient male was covered in tattoos on his limbs & torso, representing ancient mythical animals & beliefs. So as you see, tattoos, whether they be butterfly tattoos or otherwise, are a sizable role in society - both past & present.
Body adornment was the main form & reason for tattoos in the ancient world. Today, symbols like butterfly tattoos are merely a form of joy or are done because the person wants that look. In ancient times, women used to have a sure arrangement of dots across their stomach, to symbolize some sort of stature in society.